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  • Writer's pictureBrowns' Family Farmstead

13 Surprising Facts About Goats You Didn't Know

Goats are complex and intelligent animals that have been domesticated for over 11,000 years! Here are 13 surprising facts that you probably didn't know!

Nigerian Dwarf Goat close up to camera sniffing for a treat

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Can Goats Climb Trees?

Known for having excellent agility and balance, goats thrive in rocky terrain and can even climb trees.

Due to their climbing nature it is recommended to add enrichment to their pen such as cable spools or other objects for them to climb on. For a list of 29 genius enrichment ideas, check out our article!

Can Goats Understand Facial Expressions?

Goats are emotional animals and can understand human facial expressions. They can even tell the difference between happy and unhappy faces based on smiles. Studies show that they prefer smiles!

Do Goats Communicate?

Known for being social creatures, goats communicate with each other in a variety of ways. One surprising way they do this is by sneezing. This is how they alert the herd to danger.

So when your goats take off running and sneezing, this means they have been spooked and are warning the rest of the herd.

Can Goats Learn Their Names?

Goats are incredibly intelligent creatures, and with enough repetition they can learn their names. Well behaved goats will even come when called.

Did Goats Discover Coffee?

According to legend Ethiopian goats discovered coffee after being particularly energized from eating berries from coffee trees.

Upon further investigation from the farmer discovered the affects of coffee beans on humans which started the coffee industry we have today.

Goats Have Rectangular Pupils?


Their rectangular shape allows goats to see up to 340 degrees around themselves. This wide range of visibility is particularly useful to keep them safe from predators while grazing.

As goat owners it is important to shelter and protection from predators. We have put together a complete guide of common predators and how to keep your goats safe!

Are Goats Color Blind?

As dichromats, goats can't see or distinguish between red or green colors as they appear yellow to them. Surprisingly they can see blues and purples most vibrantly!

Female Goats Have Beards?

Yes! Both male and female goats can have hair under their chin, often referred to as a beard.

How Many Breeds of Goats Are There?

There are over 200 recognized breeds of goats. They come in a variety of sizes ranging from under 50 pounds up to 250 pounds!

Our farm has Nigerian dwarf goats, which are a smaller breed, but are well known for their production.

Not only that but goats have different purposes, from a source of meat and fiber to their production of milk which can all be valuable sources of income.

Does Cashmere Come from Goats?

A little-known fact is that cashmere, which is revered as an expensive fiber, is produced by goats. The reason it is so expensive is that it takes several goats (minimum of two) to produce one incredibly soft sweater.

If done on a large scale, cashmere can turn a profit from your herd. For more information and 13 other ideas to monetize your herd, check out our article

Is Goat Milk the Most Popular Milk in The World?

A common misconception is that cow milk is the most consumed globally. Surprisingly goat milk is considered the most consumed globally. This is because goat milk is most popular in developing nations.

Goats Were the First Animal to Be Domesticated?

Goats are believed to have been one of the first animals to be domesticated over 11,000 years ago as humans became more agricultural.

Since then, goats have been used for meat, dairy, cashmere, and many other purposes. One of the more recently popular benefits is for weed control, often referred to as goat scaping.

Were Goats the First Animal Brought to America?

They certainly were one of the animals brought over on the Mayflower in 1630, making them one of the first animals brought to American by European Settlers.

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